Register Someone Else Overview

As of 7.6.0, web users have the ability to register other people, as well as themselves, for a meeting; this functionality is referred to as "Register Someone Else". You may wish to allow group purchase for some meetings but not others (e.g., simple courses and webinars, but not complex events where they ask registrants to fill out a questionnaire). If you enable group registration for events, you may determine that you do not want to provide personal information, such as personal questions, emergency contacts, etc. You may also not want to allow group registration for invite-only meetings.  


After logging in, when a web user clicks Register Someone Else on the Meeting Detail page, he/she will be directed to the Registrant Selection step. From there, web users can select either the Register Myself or Register Someone Else button and which radio button they select will determine their next step in the meeting register workflow.


The Register Someone Else workflow allows you to use group discounts and have it display to the web user. Please note that the discounts are only visible at checkout. For more information on setting up group discounts, refer to Quantity Discounts.

You want to manage your end web users expectations and provide clear details in your meeting product web descriptions or attached files, or create a link to a page describing their options when using the Register Someone Else workflow as soon as possible. If you have a group discount set up for a meeting, you should explain how registrants can qualify for group discounts.

For more information about the back office configurations necessary in order for the Register Someone Else button to display and to make meetings eligible to be purchased for others on the web, please see Configuring Back Office Settings for the Meeting Registration Control.


For more information on the meeting registration control settings, please see Configuring the Web Settings for the Meeting Registration Control.

The Register Someone Else workflow is only available on the web, not within the Personify360 mobile application.

The meeting registration process can have as few as three steps, but as many as six steps. The registration process may display any of the following steps:

·            Log In

·            Registration Selection

·            Registration Information

·            Select Sessions

·            Additional Information (optional)

o           Badge Information

o           Paid Guests

o           Related Products

o           Meeting Questionnaire

·            Registration Summary


As with other registrations, the ship-to customer on the order line can access a registration placed in his/her name from the My Meetings control, as shown below.

Additionally, the web user that registered others for a meeting can see the group order from the Purchase History control, as shown below, but they will not see the registrations in the My Meetings control unless they are the ship-to customer on the order line.

Business Scenarios

Register Someone Else functionality may be appropriate for some types of meetings, but not others. For example, it is not recommended that you enable this functionality for meetings with hundreds of sessions.

The following are some business scenarios when web users would use the Register Someone Else functionality:

·            An assistant goes online and registers his or her boss for an upcoming meeting.

·            An assistant is tasked with registering up to 5-10 colleagues for an upcoming meeting.

·            A team member volunteers to register a group of colleagues when they place their own registration in order to save everyone time and/or to achieve a discount.


The table below outlines different scenarios and what the web user might expect when the Register Someone Else functionality is enabled.

User's goal in Registering for the Meeting Expected Start Selected Button First step
Self only Events Calendar or Meeting Detail page Register Now Select self
Group including myself Events Calendar or Meeting Detail page Register Someone Else Select self
Group including myself with registering me last Events Calendar or Meeting Detail page Register Someone Else

ID other person

Group not including myself Events Calendar or Meeting Detail page Register Someone Else

ID other person

Just 1 other colleague Events Calendar or Meeting Detail page Register Someone Else

ID other person

Already registered, view own My Meetings control View Summary
Already registered, add to own My Meetings control Edit Summary
Already registered, add others Events Calendar or Meeting Detail page Register Someone Else ID other person
Already registered, view own Notification link N/A Summary
Already registered, add to own Notification link N/A Summary
Already registered, add to own Notification link N/A ID other person

To see a video demonstration of the back office setup and web workflow, please see Video Demo: Register Someone Else Back Office Setup and Web Workflow.